Earlier headlines

- Looking further back in time at what's been happening
  • 2023-12-15 - Three days with Luxembourg-based friends reenforces what I left behind, sad to be reminded of what I lost when I left Luxembourg.
  • 2023-12-13 - I learned Emma had died, I'd suspected as she'd not responded to messages and for years we've been having hour-long Skype conversations.
  • 2023-12-10 - Didn't make it out on the first day in Luxembourg; today was the nostalgia tour, everything was where I left it, office, home, pub the same.
  • 2023-12-08 - J'ai vécu au Luxembourg pendant 10 ans mais mon français n'est pas très bon. Heading to Luxembourg after being away for 22 years, 2 months, 4 days.
  • 2023-11-07 - Realised that overnight I was dreaming about installing Windows Updates, that's a new one.
  • 2023-10-13 - Today I installed MS-DOS 6.22 for the first time in a while. C:/DOS> C:/DOS/RUN> RUN/DOS/RUN.
  • 2023-09-28 - Well September has just about been used up, it's been a solid stretch of work since August, yay public holiday tomorrow.
  • 2023-08-06 - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Continuous action, fun, stunts, good guys, bad guys, handcuffs, slapstick moment. Time flew, enjoyed it.
  • 2023-08-05 - I picked up new glasses. While checking for fit wearing contacts and glasses I made the mistake of opening my eyes. Blurriest thing ever!
  • 2023-07-29 - Great Chrome update - titles on inactive tabs are now black text on black background. Version 115.0.5790.110. Delete and reinstall.
  • 2023-07-27 - Received a message and photos from a DR-one friend regarding her daughter's wedding. There's been a time jump in life somewhere I missed.
  • 2023-07-16 - Repeating dreams overnight of having to hand code a resource file for an OS/2 application. And a dream about updating Saturday's fajitas.
  • 2023-07-02 - Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - Call backs to the previous movies, it went a direction I didn't expect, no aliens though. Fun ride, time flew.
  • 2023-05-25 - When I hold the fridge to my ear it sounds like the ocean; I'd better do some shopping.
  • 2023-05-09 - Great dinner, drinks, chats and catchups with the Davids. Now, about that steel spike, what's the best way to extract yourself from it?
  • 2023-03-25 - The Big Short immediately reminded me of being on the trading room floor when the OS/2 version of DR-one went live on 05 November 1990.
  • 2023-03-24 - It seems the writers of Star Trek Picard season 3 have watched Star Trek before. Well done. And so many references that I missed. Thanks, guys!
  • 2023-03-09 - I just realised that my 42-year-old pencil case was in my dreams a night or two ago. That can't be good; I need better dreams.
  • 2023-03-04 - I've now lived cumulatively as long in Melbourne as I did in Luxembourg; 3,532 days
  • 2023-01-27 - Huh, I just tried to use a hook on the kitchen wall above the stove; that has not existed since Luxembourg in 2001. That can't be good.
  • 2022-01-22 - Tried formally favorite pub. Nearly empty yet poor service; left without drinking. Used to attend multiple days a week. Now 5 times since August 2022.
  • 2023-01-20 - Friday night movie double feature Aladdin (1992) & John Wick (2014). That double feature must be a first. Shame I forgot the popcorn.
  • 2022-12-19 - Taking the elevator home I was counting floors in French. I stopped counting at 13 but the elevator continued. Oh, that was my level in Dommeldange.
  • 2022-12-11 - Thought I had left-hand thread pasta. No. I'll have to make do with penne with the lamb vindaloo. [Edit: I survived the unexpected substitution]
  • 2022-11-18 - 18 November 2005 I started the TIM4biz code and that evening saw 'The Goodies' at His Majesty's Theatre, Perth. That's 50% of my software dev life.
  • 2022-10-31 - Favorite 3 books: Friday (Robert A Heinlein), Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (Steven Levy), Yeager (Chuck Yeager & Leo Jones).
  • 2022-10-08 - Started Saturday with a fire alarm and building evacuation at 0330 - first building evacuation since January 2021. Three fire engines in attendance.
  • 2022-10-05 - Movie time - Ian Flemming's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And the guy selling the car is played by Desmond Llewelyn - Q. Producer: Albert R. Broccoli.
  • 2022-10-02 - That hasn't happened in a while - select unsliced bread, buy unsliced bread, place unsliced bread on counter at home. Open bread to find it's sliced.
  • 2022-09-30 - Prefab salad bowl production line - 1 place fork in bowl, 2 place salad in bowl. The guy that invented that probably laughs himself to sleep every night.
  • 2022-09-15 - Microsoft: This version of Windows will be out of support soon so we've deleted your settings, VPN, network shares and startup programs
  • 2022-08-21 - Spent the week looking to reward myself with an outside meal. Polite review: cold steak sandwich, full review: redacted, fallout: new fav pubs.
  • 2022-07-14 - First real haircut since March 2020. The barber didn’t run away screaming so I guess the DIY jobs weren’t too disastrous. Or he was very polite.
  • 2022-06-22 - Yay, got the new type of lights and power switches integrated into the home control system - the house apartment works again!
  • 2022-06-01 - Went to use my pizza wheel this evening and it doesn't exist anymore. Not anywhere. May reappear if I purchase a replacement. Stupid pixies.
  • 2022-05-29 - Top Gun: Maverick - Classic opening with familiar music, lots of ACM and proving who's best, call backs to original. Val Kilmer was handled well.
  • 2022-05-20 - Prawn and cashew Thai green curry is now a thing. That tasted pretty good, though I could have applied more cashews. Not going out this evening.
  • 2022-05-16 - 'Yay', it's Monday. Weekend was a bit of a let down. Empty Friday - no atmosphere at pub, 99% guys. Scammer Sunday.
  • 2022-05-05 - Huh, I did repeat a good evening out within seven days. Surpassed last week, suspect I've peaked for the week. Still, I'll explore outside tomorrow.
  • 2022-04-29 - That was an enjoyable few hours out. A couple of chats and smiles. I need to work out what I did and repeat it next week, or sooner.
  • 2022-04-24 - Nice day out there. Lots of people about, it feels more Melbourne. Walked past wedding photo shoot, out of shot bridesmaid looked incredibly bored.
  • 2022-04-07 - Melbourne is feeling more like Melbourne with more people about; F1 in town, long queue for Melbourne International Comedy Festival, busy pub.
  • 2022-03-04 - It's only just really occurred to me that it's Saturday tomorrow and I don't have to work much. I might need a break. [edit: updated food order app]
  • 2022-02-02 - Thirty years ago today I transferred to Luxembourg for a one-year assignment. I stayed ten years. I miss the place.
  • 2022-01-19 - Outside is still there. Nice mid-week walkies. Even jogged a couple of short sections. Planning on the 4th consecutive hour plus walkies tomorrow.
  • 2022-01-10 - Open curtains and look outside to welcome Melbourne CBD to Monday. It's a deserted zombieville out there, it may as well be lockdown 7.
  • 2021-12-31 - Good news - World timekeepers have decreed there will be no leap second on 31 December 2021. Let's hope next year is not 2020 too. Best wishes.
  • 2021-12-21 - Long time since an impulse purchase rack at checkout got me. Yes, I will purchase that DIY COVID-19 test kit. Admittedly I was purchasing masks.
  • 2021-12-20 - Went to pub. It was closed. Damn, the day was planned with that reward. Updated home control system to periodically get opening hours.
  • 2021-12-18 - Exhausted and coffee isn't helping as it seems pixies have swapped it out for playdough again, and not the good stuff but the off-brand fake stuff.
  • 2021-12-17 - It's Friday night and I'm watching an Alyssa Milano movie. It's been a few years since I've watched this one. Nothing wrong with Commando.
  • 2021-12-11 - Dune - Great look, costumes and sound retelling a familiar story. Over 2.5 hours, the time flew, and I didn't want it to end.
  • 2021-12-10 - Well that was a stressier than expected day. 11+ hours later I made it outside, went to the usual and let the noise wash over me as I unwound.
  • 2021-12-06 - Bathurst with an echidna on track yesterday, mad Saudi Arabian F1 race this morning, crashes, red flags, safety cars, poor communication & passing.
  • 2021-12-03 - DIY Thai green beef & prawn curry served with rice and a shot of vodka, not a bad end to the week. Pub was uninteresting, didn't stay long.
  • 2021-11-19 - Got to have a beer while standing at the bar like a real person. Garden State Hotel was nice and noisy, busy and a very welcome re-experience.
  • 2021-11-18 - Woohoo, the majority of restrictions removed at 23:59 today. Looking forward to noisy Friday evening pub time a week earlier than expected.
  • 2021-11-14 - The Fitbit charging cradle made a break for freedom again, only made it 1m, 6 months ago it got 4m across the room before I caught it. Seriously.
  • 2021-11-12 - First Friday evening out since July. Seated service only but nice and busy and noisy. IEEE Spectrum and a beer tomorrow. [edit: busy Saturday too]
  • 2021-10-30 - I was a bit apprehensive about going out yesterday, haven't been around strangers in months. Made it out today. Worth it.
  • 2021-09-22 - Whee, earthquake! I thought about it, "Yes earthquake". Stood and thought "Am I supposed to do something?"
  • 2021-09-21 - The replacement AFL parade is a bit shit. It's just boofheads in hi-vis.
  • 2021-09-04 - re Stargate SG-1 'Unending' conversation, "Yes. I got to the yelling and throwing things stage last week. Hadn’t made the connection until now."
  • 2021-08-15 - I Am Mother - Isolating, robotic child raising kept me wondering where daughter v mother v outside leads on the creepy/disturbing/future/lonely scale.
  • 2021-07-21 - Breakfast time; beef and vegetable vindaloo served with spaghetti and washed down with instant coffee. Welcome to hump day.
  • 2021-06-19 - It's the weekend but I got to submit a bug report about a potentially big issue in a website. Hope it saves someone from a very bad day.
  • 2021-04-02 - A quarter of the year has evaporated. A side-effect of spending 2 months on a new project. Managed to get out to pub and regained regular status.
  • 2021-01-01 - Happy New Year, let's try not to pronounce this year as '2020 won'.
  • 2020-12-29 - Check email for the first time since 24 December, there are a satisfyingly round number of 200 emails waiting. Fewer than expected.
  • 2020-11-23 - Whee, this morning's Instagram post was used as the background on Sky News weather report. That made my day, hope the high lasts the week.
  • 2020-10-20 - Just realised I was dreaming about the Road Runner last night. I wonder what that was about?
  • 2020-10-01 - In late March it seemed hairdressers would be shut down so purchased hair clippers. Called it. 8 DIY haircuts later I'm not sure how the back looks.
  • 2020-09-21 - I'd been good for months, not leaving the CBD/Southbank. Friday I reached my limit. Seems I need human interaction every 6.5 months.
  • 2020-08-31 - Another night of poor sleep and bad dreams, hopefully things are improving. [edit 2020-09-03 not really]
  • 2020-08-28 - Nightmares and stressful days, it would be so nice to go to the pub, have a beer, let the Friday evening noise wash over me and unwind
  • 2020-08-16 - Very much time to watch 'Top Gun' again. Apologies to the neighbors for any noise, but it was so worth it!
  • 2020-07-07 - Stupid groundhog, we've got six more weeks of COVID-19 lockdown. Lockdown 2: Electric Boogaloo. Apologies to Punxsutawney Phil.
  • 2020-06-13 - Wow, the weeks and months have flown past. Last visit to the pub was 28 February, last conversation in person longer than 2 sentences was in March.
  • 2020-04-29 - Nothing wrong with fresh lamb-based chili flavored slurry and rice for breakfast.
  • 2020-04-11 - Yes, I was wrecked. A 13 hour sleep seems to have fixed that. Now back to coding an accounting project then a movie.
  • 2020-03-30 - Great, the server that runs the home automation code has died, now where are the light switches and remote controls?!
  • 2020-03-24 - I've worked from home for many years but I've rolled back the amount of after work exploring outside for the last 4 weeks. You're welcome to say hi.
  • 2020-02-29 - Really, brain? Was it necessary to dream about Telerate drop pages? I've been off that project for 22 years. [edit pub last night is last for months]
  • 2020-01-18 - Worked all week and looked forward to Friday. Did dry cleaning, ironed shirt, polished shoes, laid out socks. Come Friday I felt sick and didn't go out.
  • 2020-01-05 - Dreamed about 2 DR-one issues; 1 Accessing wireless cameras via VIS; 2 TWS fatal exception on exit in NEC keyboard driver
  • 2019-12-21 - Star Wars - "Goodbye, dear Princess." Back stories, revelations and the unexpected. Emotional 2nd act. "The future, the past, old friends long gone."
  • 2019-11-20 - Enjoying a fun, subtle and warped chat about cats and super powers. Went to say hi this morning and HelloMrWonderful is gone :(. Oh well.
  • 2019-11-03 - Public holiday on Tuesday, I've made a 4 day weekend of it. Suspect by Wednesday I'll be just rested enough to enjoy life and then it'll be work again.
  • 2019-10-12 - Entered elevator, some kids pressed 15, a guy pressed 14, I pressed 16, got 3 across and announced "I win!"
  • 2019-10-03 - Asteroid 2019 SP3 will whizz past us today at over 30,577km/h and should miss Earth by 372,868km. Lucky they'd installed the latest Service Pack.
  • 2019-09-19 - DIY kebab for breakfast - shredded beef cooked with chili flakes and black pepper, served wrapped in a tortilla with tomato and iceberg lettuce.
  • 2019-08-23 - An unexpected conversation at the pub took the edge off a very bad day.
  • 2019-08-18 - Looking at server logs I noticed a visit from Iceland. Brain says: remember those two Icelandic girls, Deesa & Vala, you met in Luxembourg in 1992?
  • 2019-08-17 - Long Shot - Light, fun, romantic comedy. Unexpected change in tempo. Caring for someone and how that affects your public persona; and yourself.
  • 2019-08-10 - Alita: Battle Angel - That's one of the most memorable movies I've seen this year; perhaps I've got a thing for 300-year-old, petite cyborgs.
  • 2019-07-09 - Dreamed about a new DR-one OS/2 DDE bug. Come on, it's been 21 years! (DDE would work fine until user swapped to different screen)
  • 2019-06-26 - Overhead on the street "That's going to be a ton of work and shitload of testing and then the ACCC will..." I feel I should go short on something.
  • 2019-06-01 - Returned to the Garden State Hotel this week, an honest and nice chat explaining my absence, thanks for the welcome back, see you soon.
  • 2019-05-29 - As anticipated skinless hotdogs don't scream in the microwave, I'll have to determine a better way to torture them.
  • 2019-05-19 - John Wick 3 - A little more gruesome that previous episodes, continuous action and good sets, looks like a lot of hard work and training involved.
  • 2019-05-05 - Avengers: Endgame - Sombre opening, full end credits. Wore my Agents of SHIELD t-shirt but nobody commented reminding me of this cartoon.
  • 2019-04-14 - Captain Marvel - Old friends and backstories, return to familiar tech from 1995, got to like the Flerken, <hairball>. Enjoyed it.
  • 2019-04-06 - Tomorrowland is a great movie. Unfortunately I've now got 'It's a Small World' playing in my head.
  • 2019-03-28 - I put a slice of bread upside down in the toaster. Poor little guy spent the last moments of its life suspended upside down next to a fire.
  • 2019-03-04 - Yay, cool enough to open the windows and flush out 4 days of Ralph flavored air.
  • 2019-02-16 - Great day at Dave & Deb's place. I left at 22:30, the other 16 were still going strong. Fantastic day with close friends.
  • 2019-02-14 - Roses are red, Violets are blue, Unexpected '{' on line 32.
  • 2019-01-26 - Updated home control system & Arduino base station & rover to send sensor readings to IoT site. 100 days of coding? What days don't I code?
  • 2019-01-04 - Dinner plans: kangaroo vindaloo served with left-hand thread screw pasta and a red wine.
  • 2018-12-15 - D'oh! Purchased another Coles bag on the way home. Still, it's better than bringing another trolley home.
  • 2018-12-14 - Dressed up & went out with umbrella. Heavy rain. Got soaked. 37mm rain in 45 minutes (20mm in 10) & home. Dry off & go out to an inside pub.
  • 2018-12-03 - Monday morning caffeine deficiency: ready a teaspoon of instant coffee only to realize the coffee mug is in the other room.
  • 2018-11-24 - Deleted review of fav. pub on 13 June. Today left private negative review; sticky tables, partial meal delivered. But only place I know people. Sad.
  • 2018-11-17 - Crazy line in dream woke me: "Now where's my sexting trident?" WTF was that about? [edit 2018-11-23 still giggling about that]
  • 2018-11-15 - Yesterday I couldn't remember the term 'deprecated'. Does that mean my brain deprecated 'deprecated'?
  • 2018-10-26 - 101 Collins Street upper floors and spire put on a light show for five minutes, no one else seemed to notice.
  • 2018-10-19 - Had to evacuate building, walk down stairs until they were blocked, switched stairwells. 3 fire engines in attendance. All clear & returned home.
  • 2018-10-14 - First Man - Gosling an emotionless, focused Armstrong & Foy great as his wife. Violent cockpit scenes were best part of movie. Good look & sound.
  • 2018-10-11 - Skype has a (cat) and a (dog) but no (mouse). Someone is taking the mickey.
  • 2018-10-04 - I won a game of elevator bingo. I was playing easy mode; 3 lights across. Expert mode is 6 lights vertically. Not sure how 3 diagonally rates.
  • 2018-09-28 - On way to pub: 33 West Coast, 10 Collingwood, 2 Carlton supporters spotted. [edit 2018-09-29 Yay, WCE]
  • 2018-09-27 - Someone nice tried to high five me. She had to explain what was happening before I could respond. (facepalm)
  • 2018-09-22 - Went out. There was too much out out. Went in.
  • 2018-09-19 - Crap, watching Black Mirror: Nosedive, now I feel I have to post something.
  • 2018-09-19 - Yarrr... ye call that an anchor?
  • 2018-09-07 - Frasier is on another one of his soliloquies, I can't help but hear Sideshow Bob.
  • 2018-08-05 - Mission: Impossible - Fallout - Non-stop action, a couple of twists & turns and smiles. Both Ethan Hunt & Tom Cruise survived the movie. Enjoyed it.
  • 2018-08-04 - Shop sign: "pop up evening wear". Sounds like a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.
  • 2018-07-29 - Made it out for first time in weeks, made it back to pub, and another, brief chats and phone repair shop does a good kebab.
  • 2018-07-10 - Friend told me everyone knew I was weird. I said seeing families with children sometimes makes me sad; was told I'll never have that. Yay me :(
  • 2018-06-13 - Deleted positive review of favorite pub; no longer accurate, unfollowed. No longer a fun place, just people doing a job & customers mostly guys.
  • 2018-06-11 - Needed to be around people. Went out. No one about. Went home. It's a very quiet public holiday day out there.
  • 2018-06-04 - Hereditary - Grief and changes after matriarch dies, old school creepy horror, nice abrupt scene transitions and fitting score.
  • 2018-05-27 - Solo: A Star Wars Story - Origin of iconic behavior, characters, friendships, spaceships, weapons and bragging rights
  • 2018-05-20 - Deadpool 2 - Fun music box opening, 4th wall breaking, super hero mocking, self deprecating, rude and violent super hero. Recommended.
  • 2018-04-29 - Avengers: Infinity War - Friends found, introduced, repaired & reunited. New weapons. Major battles. Friends missing or lost. Sombre cinema.
  • 2018-04-23 - Great start to Westworld season 2 #Westworld #WestworldSeason2 #ChaosTakesControl
  • 2018-04-08 - That was a better than average Sunday
  • 2018-03-25 - Tomb Raider - A fun ride as Lara evades thieves, capsize, bad guys, a river, a crashed plane and booby traps. A twist and a fun ending.
  • 2018-03-24 - That's likely an F/A-18 playing over Melbourne.
  • 2018-03-18 - Paraphrasing a TV show: "Long time, no C."
  • 2018-03-03 - Black Panther - Meh. I usually look forward to reading the IMDb trivia, can't be bothered.
  • 2018-02-23 - Woke at 01:30, gave up and started work at 02:30, got things done and live. More to do before Monday. Didn't go out. Fajitas & red then bed.
  • 2018-02-17 - Out and about for Melbourne White Night. Very busy streets. Lots of sites and sounds, and a visit to Garden State Hotel.
  • 2018-02-11 - Nicer weather than yesterday; visited Ponyfish Island and Arbory Bar & Eatery.
  • 2018-02-10 - Went out to relax and people watch; too noisy, too hot, too humid. Purchased beer and retreated.
  • 2018-01-19 - Stupid cold, feeling crap, won't be going out for drinkies tonight :( [edit: but made it outside Saturday, yay]
  • 2018-01-17 - Woke at 04:00 with a cold, I blame vomit girl.
  • 2018-01-14 - Knock at door; neighbor found drunk, semi-conscious & vomit covered young woman in the hallway. She was a mess, I got a little messy helping.
  • 2018-01-10 - Given all the complaints about male behavior I'm waiting for those about Mr Squiggle. And Basil Brush. And Dickie Knee.
  • 2018-01-01 - Kangaroo sausages and Champagne time.
  • 2017-12-21 - Police: 14 injured, several critical, at this stage we believe it's a deliberate act. #Melbourne #flindersstreet
  • 2017-12-19 - Caught up with John for a dinner and a drink and shared 19 years of news
  • 2017-12-16 - The Last Jedi - Opening crawl, music, space battle, enemies, allies, plans, old friends long gone, betrayal, sacrifice, acceptance.
  • 2017-12-09 - Worked out some of the sound outside at 23:47 - Blade Runner theme
  • 2017-12-08 - Out for a while, good walkies home, DVD machine replaced with makeup machine. Shared hello in the elevator with a nice someone heading to 21.
  • 2017-12-01 - Out for a couple of hours and finally relaxed for the first time all week [edit 2017-12-04 but winding up again :(, I foresee a lunchtime walk]
  • 2017-11-27 - Murder on the Orient Express - Haven't seen the original. Enjoyed the mix of actors, clues, deductions, locations, moustache, suspects and traps.
  • 2017-11-19 - Justice League - Fun, action-packed movie. Good natured ribbing between coworkers while taking on ancient bad guy. DC have lifted their game.
  • 2017-11-17 - Woman handing out pamphlets "Hello, sir. Are you an animal lover?" I don't think she meant with pepper sauce and fries.
  • 2017-11-06 - Thor: Ragnarok - Favorite heroes, bad places, new good and big bad guys. Entertaining fun action and visuals. A great, fun action time.
  • 2017-11-01 - Baby Driver - Great mix of action, sound and look. Good bad guys and bad good guys. Gangster, heist, car chases with cars doing real car things.
  • 2017-10-23 - Blade Runner 2049 - Looked, sounded and felt like Blade Runner with new and old characters. Logos of Atari and Pan Am make an appearance.
  • 2017-10-21 - A couple of beers, talks of Luxembourg and things past. A great catch up with Duncan.
  • 2017-10-06 - Went out to usual pub, briefly spoke with someone interesting. Had a quiet beer and headed home. Must try harder. 6/10 C.
  • 2017-10-04 - 16 years since Luxembourg.
  • 2017-10-01 - Planned to go out, read IEEE Spectrum, people watch, maybe have a meal. Still feeling a bit off. Top Gear and Reddit day instead.
  • 2017-09-15 - It's wet and I'm not totally well but I went out for the first time in 10 days. Totally worth it. [edit 2017-09-30 stupid cough]
  • 2017-09-06 - That cold started with a bang at 03:00 - sleepless night, workless day. And another sleepless night. Can't see me going out Friday :(
  • 2017-09-05 - Bad day, internet down since 10:30. Spent 5 hours working to fix it, no luck, then pub. Now MPDG time with Elizabethtown :).
  • 2017-09-01 - Went out to usual pub, saw someone interesting, solved the problem by going home.
  • 2017-08-12 - Dad said I sounded happy when I spoke with him on the phone. I apologised. :)
  • 2017-07-14 - I make that 7 consecutive good days.
  • 2017-07-01 - Saturday worked. Swapped smiles with a baby and a bride.
  • 2017-06-16 - Gone out, gave up, gone home. Friday night finished at 17:36. I'll try again next week. [edit 2017-06-24 didn't go out last night]
  • 2017-05-23 - Isis has claimed bagsies for the Manchester loser.
  • 2017-05-05 - I'm over my cold. Unfortunately my cold is not over me.
  • 2017-04-28 - Went out, 1/4 way into first beer, called back to work; important work needed for big client. Done in 3 hours. Now white wine, popcorn, Frasier.
  • 2017-04-22 - Tired, stressed, hiding at home. airplane mode.
  • 2017-04-21 - Noise outside. Either Spider-Man or a guy with suction cups on his hands and knees.
  • 2017-04-21 - Exhausted but gone out. Need some human interaction.
  • 2017-04-17 - Now *that* was a good night. :) [edit: but binned]
  • 2017-04-17 - It suddenly became time to watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang at 00:25
  • 2017-04-14 - Would like to go out to usual location but it'd be a quiet, nothing night :( Perhaps someone online will say hello... My Fair Lady time
  • 2017-04-13 - Blood donation day, went well. First arm didn't take, went with second arm.
  • 2017-04-12 - Waiting for a comedian to do Sean Spicer: "Even United Airlines didn't use chemical weapons".
  • 2017-04-12 - Wednesday, hump day. But not as much fun as it sounds.
  • 2017-04-10 - Fire alarm nearby. Suddenly a loud speaker in the apartment awoke: fire warden saying "there's an alarm in the building, stand by" [edit: all clear]
  • 2017-04-08 - Went out for 90 minutes. Had one beer. Spoke with no one. Got soaked on the walk home. Better night than long term average. :) Happy.
  • 2017-04-08 - Supposed to go out (that's why I moved here). Last night's lack of atmosphere has put me off. Applying coffee, out soon.
  • 2017-04-07 - Left Friday night after 90 minutes, no atmosphere. Night saved by cheese, wine, curry and DVD rental: Rogue One.
  • 2017-04-06 - No... Skype (mooning) is gone (wtf)
  • 2017-04-03 - Big day. Got most of the todo list done. Rolled out an update 8 months after starting it. Updated standard pic everywhere. Had a smile.
  • 2017-04-02 - Been setup on a blind date 18:30 Wednesday :)
  • 2017-04-02 - I was wondering why the bedroom light hadn't turned itself off. Watch said it was after 8... oh daylight savings. Watch doesn't auto adjust itself.
  • 2017-04-01 - Spoke with someone nice. Night peaked, decided it was time to leave.
  • 2017-03-25 - Message to 'Garden State Hotel': "Thanks for the big smile and happy hello when I visited today. You turned a bad day around."
  • 2017-03-24 - Last Friday night was better. Applying Twisties.
  • 2017-03-23 - Started the day to learn some loser has attacked London.
  • 2017-03-21 - Furniture delivery day. Apartment looks like a box factory exploded. Bedroom perfect, more to go. Ate off a real plate. And got a haircut.
  • 2017-03-20 - A positive reply to an email starts the week on a good note. Until next time.
  • 2017-03-17 - Good night. Multiple conversations. A nice wander home and on the elevator ride upstairs I was able to "bonsoir" a couple of residents.
  • 2017-03-15 - Overheard on escalator "What's with 40 year olds wearing 'Star Wars' t-shirts?" I wasn't wearing any of mine. [edit 2017-03-16 I did today]
  • 2017-03-03 - Real estate agent: "Thank you very much for the leaving the property in such an excellent condition."
  • 2017-02-05 - Caught up with friends I've not seen in 10, 15 and 20 years. Great afternoon.
  • 2017-02-02 - Arrived in Luxembourg 25 years ago today.
  • 2017-01-12 - HAL 9000 activated 12 January 1992
  • 2016-12-22 - Mentioned one friend to another, got slapped down pretty hard. Twice. There's a rift I didn't know happened. Depressing.
  • 2016-12-18 - Rogue One - Abrupt opening, choppy start moves to slow then accelerated introduction of familiar elements, sounds & characters.
  • 2016-12-06 - I'd put the bin out but someone has parked in my bay up against my gate.
  • 2016-11-24 - Return to a metaphor for Perth - Airport hot, deserted and shops shut at 18:00
  • 2016-11-23 - Last 24 hours in Melbourne - French waitress at lunch (I felt at home) * Beer at oldest building in city * Drinks at next pub and fun for 3 hours
  • 2016-11-18 - TIM4biz.com - started cutting code 11 years ago today
  • 2016-11-12 - Arrival - Not a shoot 'em up, movie by the numbers. Intelligent, kept me interested and I wanted to pay attention. Will watch it again.
  • 2016-11-06 - The Accountant - One of the best I've seen this year. Has a story, some depth, drama, crime, action, couple of smiles. #TheAccountant
  • 2016-11-03 - Whoops. Took the bin out only to discover there was washing on the line. Thinking... since Tuesday. Well, it's dry now.
  • 2016-10-22 - Jack Reacher: Never Go Back - It was a movie starring Maverick and Robin.
  • 2016-10-15 - Inferno - Follow the clues to prevent disaster. Plot twist. Good look. Short credits. The 2 hours flew by. Enjoyed it.
  • 2016-10-12 - Anagram of "galaxy note seven" is "sexy elegant nova" #GalaxyNote7
  • 2016-10-07 - X-Men Apocalypse - Enjoyed that more than I expected. Rescue scene is fun. Didn't expect Wolverine. Pop culture reference of 1983 is fun.
  • 2016-10-04 - 15 years since I left Luxembourg :(
  • 2016-10-03 - Westworld - That was very good
  • 2016-09-28 - Living room and kitchen lights went out. South Australia attacked me!
  • 2016-09-25 - Food on a stick for breakfast without stabbing myself in the tonsils. A good start to the day.
  • 2016-09-24 - Damn... a tissue sneaked into the wash. Again. Once every 4 or 5 years one little bastard makes it through.
  • 2016-09-09 - NASA OSIRIS-REx has lift off.
  • 2016-08-19 - Watching a live NASA spacewalk, how cool is that!?
  • 2016-08-07 - Suicide Squad - Solid soundtrack, unorthodox troops required to attack bad guy. More fun and less serious than BvS. Enjoyed it.
  • 2016-08-06 - Between the US election and Olympics there will be no news on the news channels for the next two weeks. I guess we're all safe for now.
  • 2016-07-30 - Jason Bourne - Took a while to settle, later more focused. Survival not as makeshift as expected. Good guys ok with killing their own. Meh.
  • 2016-07-28 - Wow, July really got away from me!
  • 2016-07-24 - Star Trek Beyond - Best starship crash since 'Generations', good looking bridge. Shakey-cam at times. Ship, space and land locales. Enjoyed it.
  • 2016-06-27 - Independence Day: Resurgence - Very big ship. On par with original, fewer destroyed landmarks. Bigger than average bad guy. Watchable.
  • 2016-06-05 - Now You See Me 2 - More laughs than first ep. Heist scene went a little too long but the 2 hour movie flew past. Enjoyable misdirection.
  • 2016-06-04 - When speaking with people that say "forward slash" I'm considering using the terms "forward space" and "forward tab".
  • 2016-05-30 - 'Top Gear' 23.1 reminded me of 'Top Gear Aus.' and 'Top Gear US' trying to be 'Top Gear' and failing. [edit 2016-06-29 Top Gear US binned]
  • 2016-05-25 - Yes, I still talk aloud to myself. I prefer to think of it as a voice over.
  • 2016-05-19 - Stupid smoke alarm objected to my breakfast.
  • 2016-05-02 - I was dreaming I was tired, again. That can't be good.
  • 2016-04-30 - Captain America: Civil War - Didn't have the impact of previous Marvel offerings, just internal fighting.
  • 2016-04-29 - Tonight's slurry is brought to you by the creator of Kangaroo Stroganoff™
  • 2016-04-15 - Watching Star Wars 7... Rey and the lightsaber... "The future, the past, old friends long gone." - Yoda
  • 2016-03-28 - Batman v Superman - Good crash at start. Lex tricks good guys to fight. Good guys make up. Lex locked up. Don't feel need to see it again.
  • 2016-03-26 - Been in Perth since 2001. Tired, stagnating, need to change things and regain a life.
  • 2016-03-20 - London Has Fallen - Enjoyed it in a macabre way. Glad mainly fiction so far. Loser terrorists were dispatched. Left the cinema depressed.
  • 2016-03-14 - At 18:26 I stepped outside for the first time today into 37°C and exclaimed "fuck that's cosy"
  • 2016-03-12 - Grimsby - Politically incorrect, crass, gross, school boy humor meets international secret agent, action movie. I enjoyed it.
  • 2016-03-06 - Hail, Caesar! - great look & feel of the 1950's. The Studio System provides multiple subplots. Smoulders but doesn't quite ignite.
  • 2016-02-29 - 13 Hours - good use of aerial shots including those of advancing bad guys. Nasty injuries. Around 2.5 hours but time flew.
  • 2016-02-27 - Luxembourg ranked safest city in world for expats - Luxemburger Wort
  • 2016-02-24 - Phone just gave me a reminder I set over night: "Flintstones theme".
  • 2016-02-20 - Deadpool - Started grinning during the opening credits. 4th wall breaking, entertainingly talkative, rude and violent super hero. Recommended.
  • 2016-02-17 - Didn't think I had any - just found half a jar of Vegemite in the cupboard. Score! [edit 2016-02-29 which reminded me of purchasing Marmite :(]
  • 2016-02-13 - Star Wars 7 - Han shot first and his kiddie throws temper tantrums. Big smile on the opening credits. Rey's my favorite.
  • 2016-02-10 - David often asks why hotdogs are in packs of 8 and buns are in packs of 6. xkcd trumped him.
  • 2016-02-08 - Outside is the same temperature as two air conditioned houses. [edit: it was 42.1°C]
  • 2016-02-06 - Steve Jobs - Not insanely great but an engrossing look at the fall & rise of the ego-driven, reality distortion field that was Steve Jobs.
  • 2016-02-02 - Arrived in Luxembourg 24 years ago today. Wow.
  • 2016-01-22 - Today in spam: "You have been selected by the Association of Female Professionals". That's nice but I don't think I'm your target audience.
  • 2016-01-19 - Headline: "Man forgets wife at servo, doesn’t realise for 100km". Is it bad I laughed at that?
  • 2016-01-16 - The Big Short - forecast & profit from the credit & housing bubble collapse. Fun & simple explanations from unexpected people, recommended.
  • 2016-01-09 - The Revenant - feel I should have liked it more than I did, it looked like hard work. Mauled, betrayed, abandoned, chased, recovered.
  • 2016-01-06 - Naughty Korea are practicing making things glow in the dark
  • 2016-01-02 - Point Break - nice scenery & criminals using a spiritual quest as an excuse for their behavior but not keeping the loot.
  • 2015-12-28 - As Perth only reached 40.9 degrees I'm waiting for the perpetually outraged to yell at the BoM for predicting 41 degrees and getting it wrong.
  • 2015-12-27 - Joy - Everyone either depending on you or using you, fighting back and bootstrapping yourself into a new career and life. Good drama.
  • 2015-12-20 - Star Wars 7 no spoilers: Old and new friends, enemies and droids. Better than episodes 1, 2 and 3. Worth the wait. Now I can read some trivia.
  • 2015-12-06 - In the Heart of the Sea - Determined men vs equally determined whale. The whale was a little pissed off.
  • 2015-11-29 - The Hunger Games: Mockingjay 2 - Story all wrapped up, bad guys taken out. Good guys have nice ending... first episode was the best.
  • 2015-11-24 - Makers of Botox & Viagra merge. The new board seem happy with their performance but who can really tell. (thanks David)
  • 2015-11-22 - Spectre - Casual walks on parapets. Air, car, foot & water chases among beautiful scenery. Aston Martins, attractive women & martinis.
  • 2015-11-19 - I Googled "what's my favorite color?" Google did NOT know.
  • 2015-11-15 - Cold Chisel - First time I've sung 'Flame Trees' and 'Khe Sanh' with 10k others. When sound was lost during 'Forever Now' we kept singing.
  • 2015-11-14 - Terrible news coming out of Paris this morning. What is wrong with people? *sigh*
  • 2015-11-07 - Burnt - Art, competition, drama, penance, pressure & revenge in pursuit of perfection. Couple of laughs & gasps from the audience. Enjoyed it.
  • 2015-10-31 - The Dressmaker - Very enjoyable movie. Drama & some black comedy. Judy Davis' & Hugo Weaving's characters are rippers. Recommended.
  • 2015-10-30 - Kangaroo Rogan Josh for breakfast. It's a thing.
  • 2015-10-24 - Bridge of Spies - Solid character and story driven cold war drama.
  • 2015-10-17 - The Walk - Good movie. Fantastic to see the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in their natural habitat standing above the streets of NYC.
  • 2015-10-10 - Nothing wrong with emu and kangaroo pizza for breakfast. Right?
  • 2015-10-03 - The Martian - Jumps straight to the story. Problems, solutions, problems. More laughs than expected. One of my favs for the year.
  • 2015-09-29 - ABC 720: "Tokyo Olympics may include surfing." Hope they do it properly and add sharks.
  • 2015-09-29 - Yay, Nasa. I mean yay, Mars. Um... well done both of you.
  • 2015-09-26 - Everest - Huge distances and challenge. Prior to storm team NZ party to Crowed House, 'Weather With You'.
  • 2015-09-19 - Sicario - Good movie, one of the best I've seen this year. Strong visuals, landscapes set the scene, music set the tone.
  • 2015-09-18 - Omelette for lunch was far more omelette-shaped that last week's. That one was more splat-shaped.
  • 2015-09-18 - Walked the bridges. The 20 minute detour is still in place. Originally marked as March - June, then March - August, now March - September.
  • 2015-09-14 - Oooh! Received an email from someone with whom I'd lost contact.
  • 2015-09-13 - Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials - First movie was about solving the puzzle of the maze. This one was mainly about running away from things.
  • 2015-08-29 - Vacation - Started smiling during the opening credits. A silly, fun and at times slapstick movie. Hemsworth's character is a bit of a dick.
  • 2015-08-24 - Skype from one Luxembourg friend last week and an email from another this morning has made for a good couple of days
  • 2015-08-23 - Southpaw - Decent boxing drama, emotional highs and lows, short training montage. Gyllenhaal in good shape, good work by Oona Laurence.
  • 2015-08-16 - Watching 'Priscilla' for the first time in years. First time I saw it I was in Luxembourg and I'd not been in Australia in years. It was awesome.
  • 2015-08-16 - The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - Enjoyable cold war spy movie. Nice 1960s scenery and style.
  • 2015-08-16 - Better than average start to the day - knock at door, tipsy, pretty girlie got the wrong door.
  • 2015-08-08 - Fantastic Four - I was underwhelmed, something was missing. It felt like it ended at the end of the first act.
  • 2015-07-31 - Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation was pretty good. A couple of laughs, action, foot and vehicle chases. The usual twists I don't see coming.
  • 2015-07-28 - Another lap of 'Stargate SG-1' is complete.
  • 2015-07-25 - Trainwreck won't change the world but it was an enjoyable romantic comedy
  • 2015-07-19 - Ant-Man was pretty good. And I was not the only one in the cinema when the credits finished.
  • 2015-07-17 - Ha ha, sucked in Maddie. It's all down hill from here. (niece's 18th birthday)
  • 2015-07-13 - Don't you hate it when you figure your past self must have left something good in the back of the cupboard to eat but you can't find it?
  • 2015-07-13 - It's chilly so I had chili for breakfast. Well, chili flavored slurry.
  • 2015-07-11 - Watching Lethal Weapon, it's been years, it's awesome.
  • 2015-07-09 - I suspect I might be warmer if I was in the fridge. Chilly start to the day.
  • 2015-07-06 - iPhone just gave me a reminder I set in the middle of the night: "just check it"... I've no idea.
  • 2015-07-05 - Terminator Genisys was pretty good. Nice recreations of original 1984 scenes.
  • 2015-07-04 - 4 July in US is celebrated as UK stopped sending convicts to them. We celebrate 26 January when they started sending convicts to Australia.
  • 2015-06-28 - Ted 2 wasn't too bad
  • 2015-06-27 - Used the doormat to wave air at the noisy smoke detector, bad move - covered myself in sand
  • 2015-06-14 - Saw Jurassic World with David and Bec
  • 2015-05-29 - Thai Green Prawn and Bacon Curry is officially a thing.
  • 2015-05-26 - Saw a car registration plate ending in '404' on the way to work. I wonder if it gets lost in car parks?
  • 2015-05-17 - Saw Mad Max: Fury Road today. Very acceptable.
  • 2015-05-04 - May the 4th be with you.
  • 2015-04-17 - Listening to the radio at the office today I realised I was talking aloud in response to the announcer
  • 2015-04-04 - Do smoke detector batteries ever loudly announce their batteries are dying during the day?
  • 2015-03-13 - Kangaroo stroganoff for dinner. It's a thing.
  • 2015-03-01 - Huh, it's autumn
  • 2014-12-30 - I just won the second day of fuel light bingo though I should probably lose points for forgetting I was playing.
  • 2014-12-19 - 39° forecast today, I guess that makes it Fryday.
  • 2014-12-06 - Interstellar was pretty, bloody good.
  • 2014-11-04 - The washing machine and I had a wet t-shirt competition. The washing machine won.
  • 2014-11-03 - Posted a Doctor Who quote to IMDb, first time I've done that
  • 2014-10-20 - Damn. Laptop is fried. Got a good 6 years from it. :( goodbye little friend.
  • 2014-09-14 - That was a creepy-arse ep of Doctor Who
  • 2014-09-04 - Guardians of the Galaxy - Great movie. Starlord's music selection was wonderfully out of place.
  • 2014-08-24 - First ep of season 8 of Doctor Who on at 0255, I was there.
  • 2014-08-19 - Dreamt about Luxembourg last night for the first time in months. Usually days, sometimes weeks.
  • 2014-08-12 - Soda water powered sardine flavored burps
  • 2014-08-02 - Reading a new Tom Clancy universe book - 'Support and Defend' by Mark Greaney. [edit 2014-09-08 read like a Clive Cussler]
  • 2014-07-26 - Sad sight at supermarket - zombie men pushing shopping carts and expressionlessly following women who were making all the decisions.
  • 2014-07-25 - That's new... tried to drag the mouse pointer from the laptop over to the iPhone. Dragging from PC to TV I've done more than once too.
  • 2014-07-19 - Putin, man up. If it's a mistake say it's a mistake. Wear it. Be a man. Hell, take your shirt off if that will help.
  • 2014-06-29 - Yawn, stretch. Shopped, exercised, watching Buffy. Back to workies tomorrow.
  • 2014-06-18 - 50mm rain. Nice round number. That was clever of the universe to do that.
  • 2014-06-14 - Busy, productive, lots of good work being done
  • 2014-05-03 - Send URL, people change the URL and then bitch it doesn't work. They are idiots. ref 2014-02-19. [very edited version]
  • 2014-04-15 - Whilst driving the car a pedestrian may have only been shading her eyes from the sun but I returned her salute all the same.
  • 2014-04-15 - Woke from a dream overnight and said "get out of my head, that was years ago"
  • 2014-04-08 - I don't know what *that* noise was. Perhaps it was Thor scratching his fingernails down a blackboard.
  • 2014-03-05 - Well that sucky, stressy day knows where it can stick itself
  • 2014-02-19 - I will learn to tell people they are wrong.
  • 2014-02-19 - Too many loser boofheads incorrectly telling me I'm wrong and too few ways to politely tell them they are wrong.
  • 2014-01-09 - D'oh!, it's taken me until now to discover Wikipedia has a 'Random article' button.
  • 2014-01-01 - RIP Grannie (1908 - 2014)
  • 2013-12-06 - Reading Tom Clancy's latest, and presumably final, novel :( [edit: 2013-12-08 finished]
  • 2013-10-25 - I was asked again today where I am from... my accent is still 'off'
  • 2013-10-01 - There's nothing wrong with kangaroo stroganoff for breakfast
  • 2013-09-12 - That can't be good - I dreamt I was tired.
  • 2013-08-22 - Best line of the 2013 campaign: "Does this guy ever shut up?"
  • 2013-08-17 - Heels and giggles just passed my door. No further explanation required.
  • 2013-07-16 - Ewww, cold & flu medication flavored burp
  • 2013-07-10 - Diet Coke powered meat pie burps
  • 2013-06-25 - Back on the Prime Ministerial merry-go-round. Quick, the music has stopped. Everyone grab a seat. [edit: krudd]
  • 2013-06-22 - Found my fav "Excuse me, sir, but your inner child is showing" cartoon here
  • 2013-06-20 - Today I amused myself by pretending to be a dinosaur pretending to be a pirate. ROAR-argh.
  • 2013-06-15 - Random guy that does not live here in front yard with saw "cutting wood up so it would fit in bin", still not my fav area
  • 2013-05-31 - I enjoyed the temperature this morning. I thought it was cool! [edit: 3.6ºC]
  • 2013-05-23 - re London machete terror attack: what the hell is wrong with people?
  • 2013-05-18 - Saw Star Trek Into Darkness at Gold Class
  • 2013-05-10 - There's someone nearby doing their best to annoy me by using a leaf blower to move wet leafs.
  • 2013-05-04 - May the 4th be with you.
  • 2013-04-23 - A member of the boofhead alliance was in the backyard overnight
  • 2013-04-16 - Loser terrorist bastards (Boston marathon) [edit: 2013-04-20 done]
  • 2013-04-09 - Work, sleep, rinse, repeat
  • 2013-04-02 - Lost cash card returned to owner. I was unexpectedly rewarded with chocolates :)
  • 2013-04-01 - Continuing to keep a very low profile and quiet time
  • 2013-03-31 - Doctor Who tonight :)
  • 2013-03-16 - New term: 'boofhead wrangler' [edit: aka bouncer]
  • 2013-03-14 - It took me 3/4 of the day to realise it's pi day: 3.14. mmm... pi
  • 2013-02-25 - mmm... Diet Coke powered curry flavored burps
  • 2013-02-16 - Slept for 12 hours, woke, had 3 coffees, back to bed for 2 hours sleep
  • 2013-02-14 - Got a lot of work done but it was a very sucky, stressy day
  • 2013-02-06 - I dreamt about bacon last night, that can't be good!
  • 2013-01-31 - Apparently my accent is still a bit 'off' :)
  • 2013-01-27 - Damn it... I picked up the bug spray instead of the deodorant
  • 2013-01-26 - You know you're Australian when your country is simultaneously on fire and under water
  • 2013-01-25 - Cut back the front garden tree that is too weak to stand upright. Now I'm all sticky. Stupid, sticky, sappy, bastard thing.
  • 2013-01-17 - It's cool enough today to leave the outside doors open and flush out 4 weeks of used up Ralph flavored air.
  • 2013-01-09 - Is it wrong I'm watching 'The Walking Dead' with a plush toy Aardvark?
  • 2013-01-07 - Some one broke into my locked letterbox. My dislike of this neighborhood continues.
  • 2013-01-06 - Ants beamed into the kitchen from somewhere. Bloody anti-heroes.
  • 2012-12-29 - Hot outside, cold inside, take that environment
  • 2012-12-21 - It's the end of the world. Upload me, Scotty!
  • 2012-12-07 - Mmm... nice bread rolls. Of course now the kitchen is covered in crusty bread shrapnel.
  • 2012-11-23 - Creepy - the moving company that moved me to this apartment 12 months ago today is back
  • 2012-11-23 - Opened the freezer to see who was home and discovered a Drumstick and a pepper steak pie... score!
  • 2012-11-22 - Underpants mathematics says it's 12 days since I did the washing
  • 2012-11-18 - Happy birthday TIM4biz
  • 2012-11-11 - Better than average weekend, saw a movie - Frankenweenie.
  • 2012-11-07 - Diet Coke powered panadol flavored burps... getting sick of this stupid cold.
  • 2012-11-05 - CNN: $2.6 billion spent on US election. Same amount as spent on hallowe'en candy.
  • 2012-10-31 - Sandy's a messy bitch
  • 2012-10-28 - Beaches closed due to lightning... Thunderstorm rolls in causing the closure of beaches along the coast... Stupid sky sharks.
  • 2012-10-21 - D'oh, I forgot there was a scheduled power outage. Someone's house alarm got upset. Beware the boofhead alliance.
  • 2012-10-18 - Noise outside, something cracking, investigate to find someone had been trying to break into the car. Door damaged. Guy walking away.
  • 2012-10-04 - Eleven years since leaving Luxembourg
  • 2012-10-01 - Nice spare day
  • 2012-09-27 - Dumb event of the day - tried to make a phone call from the calculator app on the phone
  • 2012-09-10 - The backyard lorikeets weren't too impressed with me doing some gardening
  • 2012-09-07 - Steak and potatoes for brunchfast... still tasting the goodness
  • 2012-09-06 - Another car attacked me, what's going on?
  • 2012-09-05 - Car pulled out in front of me whilst we doing 60km/h - near miss
  • 2012-09-02 - mmm... breakfast fajitas
  • 2012-08-22 - I've been eating heathily and now I have too much energy to sit still and get work done
  • 2012-08-16 - Behind the car this morning I found a partly scorched flask shaped from aluminum foil. Some one's bong I guess. Ewww.
  • 2012-07-15 - Diet Coke powered Burger Ring flavored burps
  • 2012-07-04 - The PM had a nice payrise. I'm not sure we're getting value for money, not even in a court jester entertainment sense.
  • 2012-06-23 - Provided security cameras at Coles West Leederville with an example of irony - tripped over a piece of their safety equipment and hit the floor.
  • 2012-05-21 - Driving to work a pedestrian may have only been shading his eyes from the sun but I returned his salute all the same.
  • 2012-05-20 - For some reason I just labeled the noisy groups of people that walk past my place at night on their way home "The Boofhead Alliance".
  • 2012-05-18 - Healthy breakfast, washing out, done some gardening... it's all happening at Ralph's place!
  • 2012-05-15 - That's new - spent the night being chased though Luxembourg by an elephant.
  • 2012-04-04 - Brought the washing in. Underpants mathematics says it's 12 days since I did a load of washing.
  • 2012-03-31 - Running at 10 spam per hour. Bloody Vikings!
  • 2012-03-29 - Wow, big week. Lots done. And working on TIM4biz for the last 6+ years each week flies. How're you?
  • 2012-03-28 - I gave in and purchased reading glasses (pre-fabs at the pharmacy). Now I get to wear contact lens and glasses simultaneously.
  • 2012-03-20 - Oh... crap. I broke a second plate I purchased at Cactus Strassen Luxembourg in 1997 :(
  • 2012-03-17 - mmm... Guinness-powered pepper steak pie burps
  • 2012-01-31 - hot outside, cold inside, take that environment
  • 2011-12-03 - Mmmm tacos
  • 2011-12-01 - Old apartment cleaning version two point uh-oh
  • 2011-11-30 - Doing some gardening at old apartment. Ouch. Stupid carnivorous rose bushes.
  • 2011-11-15 - Boxes arrived today, the move starts on 23 November
  • 2011-10-09 - Channel 7 broke Bathurst - *way* too many ads
  • 2011-10-04 - Left Luxembourg 10 years ago today, flime ties!
  • 2011-09-27 - D'oh! I have to move apartments by the end of November. Oh well, I'll consider it an opportunity.
  • 2011-07-11 - Hammer drill next dooring this weekend, still, and I suspect my ears are damaged from the 3 hour hammer drilling
  • 2011-06-05 - Hammer drill next door, had to give up on TV, can't hear it [edit: it went on for 3 hours, my ears rang for another hour]
  • 2011-06-02 - Oh! There’s a ‘Hi Ralph :)’ message online [edit 2011-06-05 message still there but, typically, contact gone]
  • 2011-05-25 - Spent the night dreaming about creating TIM4biz installation keys.
  • 2011-05-17 - What was all that wet stuff earlier?
  • 2011-04-20 - I can't believe no one has signed Zinc's (David and Bec's cat) cast!
  • 2011-03-23 - Wednesday: 'hump day' but not as much fun as it sounds.
  • 2011-03-09 - Required: phone number of company that delivers pepper steak pies
  • 2011-03-04 - That's new... just caught myself singing 'Bear Necessities' from 'Jungle Book'
  • 2011-03-03 - I'm getting the feeling pixies swapped out the caffeine for play dough again
  • 2011-02-26 - Two fans and an 'air con', let's see how that works
  • 2011-02-23 - Aardvark jugglng 101 safety tip #9: don't drop your aarvark, it's going to be pretty pissed off
  • 2011-01-03 - Air con not great, hot water system died [edit 2011-01-06 hot water back, now *that* was a good shower]
  • 2010-12-26 - Whoo-hoo! Lucky find - Doctor Who is on 102 tonight.
  • 2010-12-23 - Skype has thrown a global sad
  • 2010-12-21 - Are we there yet?
  • 2010-12-06 - Crap! It's December. Again.
  • 2010-10-13 - It's difficult to get news on TV this morning, it's all about Schrodinger's miners [edit 2010-11-25 the Chileans were lucky]
  • 2010-10-06 - My laptop threw a sad and wanted some attention
  • 2010-10-04 - I left Luxembourg 9 years ago today - wow, time flies!
  • 2010-09-21 - Summer must be on the way - burnt my bare feet on the driveway
  • 2010-08-14 - Watched Avatar, that is one CPU intensive flick!
  • 2010-06-25 - I liked the temperature this morning. That was pretty cool!
  • 2010-06-11 - D'oh, hot water bottle just went all hot and wet and leaky
  • 2010-06-01 - Brrr... first day of winter
  • 2010-04-29 - Started Myer 29 April 1985, left Myer/BSM/BIS/ACT/MKI/Misys (same job) for Odyssey 29 April 1998
  • 2010-04-14 - Yay, Doctor Who on Sunday
  • 2010-03-27 - Foxtel cable out since 22 March - expected repair 12 April [edit 2010-03-31 Foxtel back]
  • 2010-03-08 - That can't be good; dreamt I was moving house AND had an assignment due
  • 2009-12-06 - Whoo-hoo Doctor Who tonight
  • 2009-11-28 - Hang on, it's nearly December, it was April a minute ago
  • 2009-10-07 - aboutcallaccounting.com live
  • 2009-09-16 - Having a quiet week at home catching up with some sleep
  • 2009-08-04 - That explains the noisy wash cycle: I've been laundering money, hardly seems worth it for 50 cents
  • 2009-07-17 - Oh... crap. I broke one of the plates I purchased at Cactus Strassen Luxembourg in 1997 :(
  • 2009-07-09 - Torchwood Children of Earth is great
  • 2009-06-30 - TIM4biz.tv looking good
  • 2009-05-26 - Whoo hoo! Doctor Who on Sunday
  • 2009-05-16 - WA votes 'no' to daylight saving. How embarrassing is that!
  • 2009-04-05 - Contravene coming along nicely, not sure about the name though
  • 2009-03-14 - Screechy.net online
  • 2009-02-28 - Screechy.com rebuilding
  • 2009-02-21 - Started a new project in late 2007, doing some more work on it
  • 2008-12-04 - Come on 2009, 27 days to go
  • 2008-07-18 - RIP Grandfather (1908 - 2008) [edit 2008-07-24 pall bearer]
  • 2008-06-29 - Doctor Who back, finally
  • 2007-11-15 - Sang 'Cold Chisel' songs to a deeply sobbing, crying baby for 30 or 40 minutes until she fell asleep. Felt like a dad. (approximate date)
  • 2007-10-22 - It's amazing what you can meet at the zoo... and *so* happy... [edit 2007-12-09 but suddenly over, miss Claire and Ellie, I've no idea what happened].
  • 2007-10-14 - Rebuilt the website - similar content, new layout, need to work on the new logo
  • 2007-10-07 - Nobody happening, nothing happening, had a haircut does that count?
  • 2007-08-11 - Spent the day with Wango, Fi, Sarah & Lara at the zoo & dinner at my place
  • 2007-07-29 - Domain used for spoofed email addresses in spam, 800+ returned to 'sender' in 20 min
  • 2007-07-02 - "Spider-Pig! Spider-Pig! Does whatever a Spider-Pig does!" Homer Simpson
  • 2007-04-18 - A lot of work happening, fun and productive but intense
  • 2007-02-09 - Me update - the latest and 'greatest'
  • 2007-01-29 - The week year of hell begins, back online
  • 2006-12-31 - New Year's Eve at The Wembley - it had its moments
  • 2006-11-21 - About 120 trips downstairs carrying beds, books & boxes (easier than upstairs!)
  • 2006-11-14 - New apartment lease signed
  • 2006-09-25 - Apartment lease expires 15 December, won't be renewed
  • 2006-07-31 - Life, the Universe and Everything
  • 2006-07-21 - Foxtel online
  • 2006-07-20 - Flu [edit 2006-07-24 Tamiful worked a treat]
  • 2006-07-08 - DVDR replaced with new model at no cost
  • 2006-07-03 - DVDR took a dive before Saturday's Doctor Who, Foxtel cancelled due to rain
  • 2006-06-10 - New Doctor Who back again soon
  • 2006-05-04 - May the fourth be with you
  • 2006-03-11 - It's March? Wasn't it January a second ago?
  • 2006-01-25 - Air-con fixed, only took 2 weeks, last year it took 12 weeks
  • 2006-01-20 - Back online after 3 days - forgot to pay, oops
  • 2005-11-29 - Caught up with Rudi for the first time in over 4 years
  • 2005-11-18 - Great night watching the Goodies, live! Started new app [later known as TIM4biz].
  • 2005-09-28 - New job working on a SQL/ASP website
  • 2005-08-28 - Took the car for a drive, the new jog is 15km!
  • 2005-08-21 - And again 2 hours 12, a different course
  • 2005-08-15 - Yay! A 2 hour jog probably only 12km though
  • 2005-08-10 - Me update - another dodgy self-portrait
  • 2005-07-19 - On-site doing PC support today, haven't done that in 18 years!
  • 2005-06-18 - 3 days of 6+ boxes per 6+ car loads a day all up 3 flight of stairs - sore Ralph
  • 2005-06-15 - Signing apartment lease today - yay!
  • 2005-05-21 - New Doctor Who looks great
  • 2005-04-23 - Moving house on new job or by June 30 whichever first
  • 2005-03-15 - Screechy applications returning, Trek1701 back online
  • 2005-01-31 - Anagram of "Ralph Lawrence Hosking" - "All-knowing, harsh creep"
  • 2005-01-01 - Happy New Year, again. Where did 2004 go? Missed the BBQ.
  • 2004-12-19 - Postgraduate Diploma in Internet Security Management
  • 2004-12-16 - It looks like New Year's Eve will be at 'The Wembley' - hmmm BBQ & beer
  • 2004-12-15 - All second semester units passed
  • 2004-11-20 - Exams all done, results on 15 December
  • 2004-10-29 - Exams 16, 18, 19 November
  • 2004-10-04 - Three years since Luxembourg. Where did that go?
  • 2004-08-02 - Second semester starts
  • 2004-07-31 - Tried email, phone, text, snail mail. Gave up.
  • 2004-07-14 - All first semester units passed
  • 2004-07-05 - I expect I passed the exams, results on 14 July, now back to work
  • 2004-06-20 - Exams Monday 21, Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 June
  • 2004-06-17 - Some new old photos online and Résumé updated
  • 2004-06-04 - Assignments all done, yay! Now for the exams, d-oh. Friday night at 'The Como'
  • 2004-05-22 - Winter doona on the bed, hmmm... cosy
  • 2004-05-11 - Melbourne stuff retrieved: bank photos & floor plan from 1991 & a BSM t-shirt
  • 2004-04-26 - Wango & Fiona expecting a kiddie
  • 2004-03-01 - Back at university working on a Master's degree
  • 2004-02-06 - Minor car accident - a car reversed into mine - damn!
  • 2004-01-01 - Happy New Year, new software project
  • 2003-11-01 - Yes, going back to university
  • 2003-10-15 - May be going back to university - presentation at the Hilton
  • 2003-10-04 - Two years since leaving Luxembourg
  • 2003-09-15 - Doctor Who is back on the ABC
  • 2003-07-05 - Nice new shiny 24/7 contact lenses
  • 2002-10-30 - Writing parking meter back-office software
  • 2002-04-09 - Released first app. as Screechy
  • 2002-02-14 - Working as Screechy Pty Ltd
  • 2001-12-03 - Damaged back moving TV
  • 2001-10-04 - Left Luxembourg. Left some people that are incredibly important to me.